Oxy-sulphuret of Zinc Enlarge
Feb. y 1. 1808. Publish’d by Ja.s Sowerby. London.
British Mineralogy
Zincum Oxy-sulphureum

Oxy-sulphuret of Zinc

  • Class 3. Metals.
  • Order 1. Homogeneous.
  • Gen. 6. Zinc.
  • Spec. 3. Sulphurated Oxide.
  • Div. 2. Imitative, mammillated.
  • Syn.
    • Blende. Dr. Kidd in Nicholson’s Journal, v. 4. 134.

We are glad to give a figure of a new substance to the mineralogical world, by favour of Richard Phillips, Esq., especially as it has been analysed by Dr. Kidd. Its first appearance gave rise to many queries; for the workmen who found it considered it as wood-tin, but its resemblance to some of the blistered Copper Ore from Cook’s Kitchen, &c. excited different ideas. Dr. J. Kidd shows it to be an Oxide of Zinc with a largish proportion of Sulphur. I believe only one variety has been found, and this has always in some degree a bubbled appearance; the bubbles more or less solid, with a variety of tints, from dark dull yellowish brown to nearly white, and rather irregularly coated. The fracture is rather conchoidal, not striated, with a waxy appearance, Externally this mineral is light yellowish, often smoky or dusky grey, sometimes with a bloom like a plum, or varying to a dull crimson, occasionally somewhat iridescent.

The specimen figured is on a matrix of Arsenical Iron and Quartz.

The analysis by Dr. Kidd gave

Oxide of Zinc 66
Sulphur 33

This gentleman also found a Platinum crucible rendered fusible by it; we suppose, in consequence of the great quantity of Sulphur which it contains.

Huel-Unity and one or two other mines in Cornwall have lately produced this substance.

The Oxide of Zinc, tab. 202, lower figure, is somewhat like the above; but we do not suspect it of containing any notable proportion of Sulphur, if any.

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