Tourmaline, var. Rubellite Enlarge
Exotic Mineralogy
Argilla electrica, var. purpurea

Tourmaline, var. Rubellite

  • Syn.
    • Rubellite, red schorl of Siberia. Kirwan, I. 288.
    • Tourmaline Apyre? Haüy, IV. 401.
    • Tourmaline rouge de Sibérie. Bournon, 69.
    • Siberite, red schorl, &c.

Although Rubellite is only a variety of Tourmaline, it is such an interesting ore, that I have thought a figure of the most famous specimen yet known in the world, would be acceptable: it is that presented to Col. Symes by the King of Ava, in whose territories it was found. From Col. Symes it passed into the Grevillian collection, with which it was purchased, having been valued at £500,* for the British Museum, where it now stands, the pride of the mineral collection. It consists of a scopiform group of 9-sided prisms, terminated by trihedral pyramids, the prism in the centre of the group is the longest ; on three sides of this the surrounding crystals are gradually shorter, forming a rugged trihedral pyramid, so obtuse as to resemble the corner of a cube: the edges of this pyramid are strongly defined by three rows diverging from the apex of more closely connected crystals than those upon the sides. The interior of the mass is of a deep reddish purple colour, and so intense as to be almost opaque; but the surface is of a yellowish brown colour; and between the two the crystals are transparent, and of a pink colour. I have added a crystal of a less rare variety of Rubellite from Siberia.

  • * I was told that it was once valued by an eminent Oryctognost at 1000 guineas.
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