Metra tickets galore

By Nicholas Rougeux, posted on May 6, 2008 in Travel

Thanks to the great folks at Metra, the design gallery has nearly doubled to 89 tickets. They were kind enough to send me unused tickets for 1999, 2001, 2002, and 2004.

Composite of Metra tickets

Back in February, I sent a letter to Metra asking if they had any spare tickets to donate to the collection. To be honest, I expected a Thanks-for-your-interest-but… type of response, but was pleasantly surprised when a month later, Anthony from their customer services department called and offered to send anything he could find. Not only was he kind enough to send me tickets for three and a half years I didn't have, he also sent me an extra set of 2005 tickets and the rest of 2004 in great condition. Thanks, Anthony!

I've moved the gallery to its own page and updated it with the new tickets, so go check it out.

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