

Balls made either of skins or of composition similar to roller composition, were in use previous to the invention of rollers. When composition rollers were introduced into London in 1815, they were violently opposed by some masters and by many pressmen. They were made of molasses, glue, and a portion of tar, boiled together into a proper constituency.

Johnson, writing his “Typographia” (1824), says:—

“With respect to the rollers our ideas still remain the same, having pronounced (long before having seen them in action) that they would not execute the work equal to the Balls; this opinion time has fully verified; we are ready to admit their excellence for heavy forms and the genearl run of work, but not for fine work or wood engravings, for neither of which are they so well adapted as the balls; as to the last they are totally unfit to produce any impressions worthy of notice!”

The Ball-knife was a blunt knife used to scrape balls; Ball-nails, the tacks used in knocking-up balls.


Balls, made either of skins or of composition similar to roller composition, were in use previous to the invention of rollers. When composition rollers were introduced into London, they were violently opposed by some Masters and by many Pressmen. They were made of molasses, glue, and a portion of tar, boiled together into a proper constituency.

Johnson, writing his “Typographia” (1824), says:—

“With respect to the rollers our ideas still remain the same, having pronounced (long before having seen them in action) that they would not execute the work equal to the Balls; this opinion time has fully verified; we are ready to admit their excellence for heavy forms and the genearl run of work, but not for fine work or wood engravings, for neither of which are they so well adapted as the balls; as to the last they are totally unfit to produce any impressions worthy of notice!”

The Ball-knife was a blunt knife used to scrape balls; Ball-nails, the tacks used in knocking-up balls.

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