

Used to break the force of the platen upon the type, and by their elasticity to cause the paper more readily to adapt itself to the surface of the type. Welch flannel was formerly used, but the fine printeres substituted broad cloth; within the last generation, however, a superior article has been manufactured specially for the purpose, and of different qualities suitable for every description of work.


Cloth of various texture, interposed between the type and the impressing surface,a nd used to break the force of the platen upon the type, and by their elasticity to cause the paper more readily to adapt itself to the surface of the type. Welsh flannel was formerly used, but the fine-Printers substituted broad cloth; within the last generation, however, a superior article has been manufactured specially for the purpose, and of different qualities suitable for every description of work. Blankets are of two classes, intended respectively for press and machine.

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