

In typefounding, this name is given to a small instrument or frame into which the matrix is fixed. The mould is composed of two parts. The external surface is of wood, the internal of polished steel. At the top is a shelving orifice, into which the metal is poured. The space within is set according to the required body of the letter, and is made exceedingly true. The melted metal, being poured into this space, sinks to the bottom of the matrix, and instantly cooling, the mould is opened, and the type is cast out by the workman. Formerly types were cast exclusively by this process; but the art has recently been gradually improved, and machinery has to a certain extent superseded the hand-mould. See Type-founding.


In typefounding, this name is given to a small instrument or frame into which the matrix is fixed. The mould is composed of two parts. The external surface is of Avood, the intei-nal of polished steel. At the top is a shelving orifice, into Avhich the metal is poured. The space within is set according to the required body of the letter, and is made exceedingly true. The melted metal, being poured into this space, sinks to the bottom into the matrix, and instantly cooling, the mould is opened, and the type is cast out by the workman. Formerly types were cast exclusively by this process; but the art has recently been greatly improved, and machinery has to a certain extent superseded the hand-mould.—See Typefounding.

The second edition did not have an entry for Typefounding.

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