
Warehouse book

A book with pages annexed, on the following plan, and about the size of a foolscap quarto.

Dictionary of Typography (No. Printed, 3,000.)
Date. Receipt of Paper, and of whom No. of Copies delivered. To whom delivered, with his signature. For whom.

When the paper is brought, the warehouseman should at once compare it with the bill of delivery, and. if right, enter quantity immediately into the warehouse book. The number of printed copies delivered to the hinder or publisher should also be entered, and his signature he taken at the time of delivery. This plan will prevent disputes with the bookseller or author relative to the receipt of paper or the delivery of sheets. Having entered the receipt of the paper, the warehouseman should then write on each bundle, with red chalk, the title of the book it is to be used for, and remove it into a convenient part of the warehouse, or into a store-room provided for that purpose.

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