
Eugenes spectabilis

Costa Rica Humming-bird

Two species of the genus Eugenes are known—one, E. fulgens, being found in Texas and Mexico, and as far south as Guatemala, while the second species, E. spectabilis, replaces it in Costa Rica.

The latter differs from E. fulgens in having the breast dark green instead of black, and the lateral tail-feathers bronzy brown instead of bronzy green.

The following full description is copied from Mr. Elliot’s work:—

Male. Forehead dull green. Top of head and occiput brilliant dark violet. Upper parts dark grassgreen, the back appearing black in certain lights. Wings purple. Throat metallic dark green, bluish ~ in some lights. Underparts dark grass-green, the breast never appearing black in any light. Under tail-coverts green, tipped with buff. Median rectrices dark bronze-green, the remainder bronze-green, graduating into blackish brown and edged with white on the tips. Bill black. Total length 5\(\frac{5}{8}\) inches, wing 3, tail 1\(\frac{7}{8}\), tarsus 1\(\frac{1}{2}\).

Young (? Female). Crown dull brown. Entire underparts dull greyish brown, with an ochreous tinge. Flanks dull green, with white pleural spot. Lateral rectrices green at base, a subterminal black bar and the tips greyish white.

The figures in the Plate represent two males and a female, of the natural size.

[R. B. S.]


  • Heliomaster spectabilis, Lawrence, Ann. Lye. New York, viii. p. 472 (1867).
  • Trochilus spectabilis, Gray, Hand-list of Birds, i. p. 137, no. 1750 (1869).
  • Eugenes spectabilis, Mulsant, Hist. Nat. Oiseaux-Mouches, ii. p. 215 (1876).—Boucard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 68.—Elliot, Synopsis of the Humming-Birds, p. 61 (1878).

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