We now come to the genus Delattria as restricted to the D. Henrici and D. viridipallens, both of which species are natives of Guatemala.
Delattria Henrici
Habitat: Guatemala
Delattria viridipallens
Habitat: Guatemala
“Occurs, in company with Petasophora thalassina, on the Volcan de Fuego. Seems to keep entirely to the forests of the volcano. I have never met with it in the plains below. This is one of the commonest species at Coban. It may readily be recognized by the peculiar harshness of its note.”—Salvin in ‘Ibis,’ vol. ii. pp. 40, 263.
Featuring all 422 illustrated species from John Gould’s A Monograph of the Trochilidæ, or Family of Humming-Birds arranged by color.